Born in 1952, Josef Blecha graduated from the University of Economics, Prague. Drawing since 1976, his portrait caricatures have appeared in a number of publications, including The New York Times, The New York Times Book Review, The New Yorker, and Playboy. He has held over 50 solo exhibitions. Josef Blecha transformed the line into an elegant means of depicting resemblances. While drawing, he tries to enter into the mindset of his subjects, enabling him to portray them in a broader context of their time. His work is distinguishable for its immaculate technique and ability to create a strong sense of atmosphere. His exquisite line, combined with the increasing use of collage, creates a unique artistic license among his contemporaries. The legacy of Czech caricaturists, such as František Bidlo, Antonín Pelc, and Adolf Hoffmeister, has found a formidable follower in Josef Blecha. His work explores new artistic dimensions, as well as a very specific art form, and is held in private collections throughout Europe, the United States, and Canada. Josef Blecha is a member of S.V.U. Mánes.